Strabo lays the foundation under your property decision

A decision about commercial or non-commercial property is not infrequently down to a million euro investment. That calls for building on reliable and clear market data.

Strabo has grown since 1982 into the specialist in market research and property data. We know the Dutch property market inside out. And we have all the necessary data. Our current databases give you quick figures down to the last digit.

Strabo also has its own market research fieldwork team. Our experienced pollsters are renowned for their unprecedented high response rates. We use sound and reliable data to conduct sharp analyses, prepare clear research reports and provide our clients with advice.

Get to know nearly 30 years of expertise in living, working and shopping. Get to know Strabo.

Shopping centre research, traffic counts and shopper surveys

How much time and money do visitors spend in your shopping centre? How can you obtain an extremely reliable picture of traffic flows in and round your shopping centre? What do your tenants think about your facilities, marketing and management? From consumer research and shopper flow data to retailer surveys and traffic counts (in close collaboration with Experian-FootFall): Strabo knows shopping.

Residents surveys

Major restructuring and renovation are in store for the housing market in the coming years. Support among residents, tenants and buyers is indispensable to keep this process running smoothly. You therefore require a clear understanding of what they see as the pros and cons. Strabo combines expertise in the housing market with expertise in fieldwork among housing consumers. From Dutch to immigrant populations, door-to-door, by telephone, mailings or online: we achieve a response rate of more than 90%.


Strabo offers you a database which you essentially cannot do without: VTIS.

VTIS (Vastgoed Transactie Informatie Systeem, Property Transaction Information System) is the standard for property professionals. Its transaction movements and investor transaction modules give you 130,000 current transactions, from per-street to pan-Netherlands. Ring Strabo for a demo (+31 20 626 08 17, ask for Hans van Tellingen), or click here. You can also email us at